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Coach Page

Coaching Standards Committee

If you have feedback or concerns regarding any of your experiences with LMYFC Coaching please contact our Coaching Standards Committee at

Being a volunteer for any youth organization requires a commitment to safety and a dedication to ensuring you are appropriately educated for the responsibilities of the role.   Below you will see information on training certifications that are required for all football and cheer coaches as well as all designated team moms and/or photographers that may be on the sideline with our youth participants.   Please note that while the CCYFL will accept either NAYS or USA (football coaches only) training our research has led LMYFC to a recommendation for the NAYS certification for all of our volunteers specifically because it is accepted for all roles, and it will provide an option for multi-year certification to reduce cost and administration if you intend to volunteer multiple years.  The CDC Concussion Training is also required for all coaches. 

National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS)

Go to:

Click “sign up” top right

“Coach” click Join now

Click “Get started”

Select Sport “football” then click next

Fill in and complete steps


Training that will automatically load into your portal are “coaching youth sports 2017 version” and the sport you select (should be football).  In the bottom left corner of your training is “optional additional trainings” which are no added cost but are required by LMYFC.  Please add:

  1. Bullying prevention
  2. Concussion
  3. Protection against abuse
  4. sudden cardiac arrest.



Lindsays Law Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Informational Video and Documents

In accordance with this law, the Ohio Department of Health, the Ohio Department of Education, the Ohio High School Athletic Association, the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Cardiology and other stakeholders jointly developed guidelines and other relevant materials to inform and educate students and youth athletes participating in or desiring to participate in an athletic activity, their parents, and their coaches about the nature and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest. 

All coaches must sign the below document and watch the required video.

CDC – Concussion - FREE

****This course was not designed for mobiles devices. If you are having issues while on a mobile device, please try a laptop or desktop. ***

If you coached last year with LMYFC you should already have an account created.  Once at the above webpage click “more” under “coaches”.  Under the Online Training Tab it says “Coaches:  Click here to launch the course”.  Click that link.  At the top of the page it states:  To access this content, you first need to create an account. If you already have an account, please login.

Once you are logged in / have your account created go to course catalog and search HEADS UP to Youth Sports: Online Training for CoachesThe first course on the list should be the one you want.  Just make sure it states HEADS UP to Youth Sports: Online Training for Coaches.  If you have not taken this training before I am not sure if you will get the option for Pre-assessment or if you would just launch the course.   If you have taken the training before you will click on “pre-assessment”.   After you have completed the pre-assessment, you will then be able to “launch” the course. 

Required Background Check

All LMYFC Coaches will be required to have a successful background check completed on them before they are permitted to coach during practice and games.  Any of the below organizations are approved by the GCYFL. 

  1. National Center For Safety Initiatives
  2. Identity Innovations
  3. Protect Youth Sports
  4. USA Football


Required documentation from Little Miami Youth Football and Cheer